
donderdag 9 januari 2014


1 opmerking:


    When You called me to be a nurse
    I pretended to be deaf, not to hear
    but Your call was very terse
    I felt You more than ever near
    I loved my job as a translator
    I tried with all my might to escape
    the deal with My celestial Debater
    looking for the smallest tiniest gape
    I barely ate, I barely slept
    I refused to watch “Dr. Kildare”
    for his nurse on me her eyes she kept
    I had to run from her inviting stare
    I like to serve but if at all
    then as a flight attendant
    this dragged my parents into a brawl
    in which I acted as the defendant
    Then came the day that I woke up
    hearing Your inviting Voice
    offering me to share Your loving Cup 
    how could I refuse this choice
    You asked me to prepare
    myself for “my task for later”
    to get ready for the nursing care
    and in Your Name to cater.
    I accepted without restriction
    and went swift to nursing school
    my belief and strong conviction
    became my most powerful tool
    You've always been with me at the bedside
    even patients testified of your omnipresence
    some of them hot tears they cried 
    thankful to receive so much pleasance
    but Lord wherever You are
    there Your opponent prowls
    as the magnificent dog star
    enticing me to throw in the towels
    I may well have lost a battle
    but You promised me the victory
    he will stop his tail rattle
    when I read him his valedictory

    I trust in You, my Savior and Provider. Rita Biesemans, 01/09/2014
